Neck Cross Akimov 101.227 «The Crucifix. The Icon of the Mother of God «Sovereign»

Neck Cross Akimov 101.227 «The Crucifix. The Icon of the Mother of God «Sovereign»
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Average weight:
5.8 x 3.3 x 0.4cm
  • Silver (925). Gilding (999).
  • Miniature relief, casting, gilding, niello, handwork.

"On the cross obverse we see the Crucified Lord Jesus Christ. He is interceded with the holy Russian prince-warriors: Dmitry Donskoy and Alexander Nevsky on His left and right; passion bearers Sts. Boris and Gleb being at the foot. In the radiance of the Divine Glory golden rays the symbols of holy Evangelists are located in the cross centers: Matthew as an angel; Marc as a lion; Lucas as a calf; and John as an eagle. Each of them is winged and holds the Gospel. Above the Savior’s cross there is the Hetoimasia, or the Prepared Throne. The Lord had prepared it for Himself by His sufferings. He will sit on it during the Second Coming for the Last Judgement. The cross obverse is crowned with the Holy Trinity image put on the ear.

In the center of the reverse there is the Icon of the Mother of God “Sovereign” — a symbol of the Orthodox statehood. It is surrounded by the saints personifying spiritual foundation of the Orthodox power. On the left there is the Prophet Elijah, the fearless exposer of rulers. For his ardent zeal of God’s glory he was taken up alive in a chariot of flame. By legend the Prophet Elijah will be a precursor of the Second Coming of Christ, and will meet his physical death. On the right we see St. Andrew, the ""First-called"" Apostle: Russian Orthodox Church originates from his ordainment. At the foot there stands George the Victory-bearer, the brave dragon fighter, whose image is placed on the Emblem of Russia.

The wonder-working image of the Icon of the Mother of God “Sovereign” was found on the day of abdication of the Emperor Martyr Nicolas II. The Most Holy Mother of God appeared twice before a countrywoman Eudokia Andrianova in her sleep. On March 2, 1917 in the settlement Kolomenskoye near Moscow the woman suddenly realized that the Ascension of Our Lord Church in Kolomenskoyee is that very one dreamed and sought-for by her. Together with the church dean in the lumber cellar she found a large dark icon in which she recognized appearing image. The icon appearing day coincidence with the Emperor Abdication day was apprehended by Russian people as a symbolic evidence of the throne and patronage of Russia being henceforth at the hands of the Most Holy Mother of God Herself.

The icon name corresponds to the iconography. The Mother of God is painted both as the Heavenly and the Earthly Queen. She sits on the king’s throne with Her Divine Son on Her knees. In her stretched right hand She has a scepter, the left one lying on the orb ball. The head of the Mother of God is regally crowned and haloed. In clouds above we see the Lord of Sabaoth in the act of benediction of the world.

The cross shape is symbolical. Such crosses with rays in the centers became widespread in 18th century, as a visible form of hymns and prayers. Therein the Christ's cross is glorified as  них Крест Христов прославляется как «luminiferous», «the brightest radiance of the Sun», «light for the world»…"


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